Silent Support Weekend

Halliford Colts will be joining the Grassroots Football Community in participating in the first National Silent Support Weekend on 5 and 6 November 2022 to promote Respect in youth football across England.

During this weekend both spectators and coaches are encouraged to show their support during the match through applause only. This will reduce pressure and confusion and give players a better opportunity to find their own voice and develop their game. More information can be found here. After the event the FA will be gathering feedback, so please do let them know about your experience, whether you be a Player, Coach, Manager, Parent or Spectator.

At Halliford Colts, we are always seeking to do the best to support our players’ learning and development and apply the latest thoughts and best practices from the FA. For us Silent Weekend is just one example of this and whilst it won’t be the easiest thing for the Coaches, Managers, Parents or Spectators we will be participating in it for the good of our players.

If you or your children are interested in being part of the Halliford Colts Community, for example, joining the Soccer School or one of Our Teams, please contact us today at [email protected] as we’d love to hear from you!